RUMORS: gli U2 a Santa Monica per testare un nuovo singolo?
Secondo varie fonti gli U2 questa settimana stanno lavorando a Santa Monica per lavorare al nuovo disco. Ma le ipotesi possono essere tante e secondo gli ultimi rumors sembrerebbe che registreranno e testeranno una nuova canzone (che sia “Invisible”?) tratta dal nuovo album. Con molta probabilità annunceranno il lancio del nuovo disco al Superbowl che si terrà il 2 Febbraio 2014. Un’altra ipotesi potrebbe essere le prove di Ordinary Love per il Critics Choice del 16 Gennaio, ma ancora potrebbero essere le prove per il Golden Globes che si terranno a Los Angeles il 12 Gennaio.
Non sappiamo ancora con certezza e ciò che vi scriviamo è frutto di rumors che girano in rete ma, visto le dichiarazioni recenti di Bono, potrebbero sperimentare nuove canzoni per il nuovo album e prepararsi al gran ritorno.
Inoltre sito americano dice:
Posted: January 10, 2014
By: Matt McGee
U2 has spent much of this week in Santa Monica shooting video footage that will be used in a Super Bowl commercial and feature a new song from U2’s upcoming album. We also think it’s likely that the footage will be used in a longer feature online — possibly at
After reporting earlier today that several people had tweeted about their involvement in the video shoot, we’ve since learned more about the band’s activities this week from reliable sources.
As the tweets in our earlier article showed, U2’s video shoot involved the band performing live (“it was like a concert,” one actor tweeted; “paid to go to a U2 concert” said another) while video cameras rolled. We’ve learned that they performed at least one new song, though we don’t know the title. We’ve also learned that the video shoot continued late Friday, but rather than performing, it involved band interviews with an audience in the room.
The original reports about this Super Bowl commercial mentioned some kind of brand partnership, but we haven’t heard anything new about that in relation to this week’s commercial shoot.
Meanwhile, commercial and satellite radio stations also started reporting today that U2 will premiere a new song in a Super Bowl ad. On Sirius radio, it was reported that the commercial will include an announcement of the release date of U2’s new album.
That’s what we know tonight. Piecing it all together, our guess is that the Super Bowl ad will feature some of the new U2 song — since TV commercials rarely run more than 30 or 60 seconds — and then invite viewers to see the full performance and interview clips online. It makes sense that this would happen at, but the online portion could be where the brand partnership comes into play (i.e., Google, Apple, Amazon or even Netflix).
As always, more to come as we hear it.
UPDATE: Via @U2_Israel on Twitter we learn of this audio that claims to be recorded outside U2’s video shoot in Santa Monica. It’s exceptionally hard to hear, but after putting in headphones and cranking the volume as high as possible, it does sound legit
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