Pop-rock music isn’t just about guitar heroes, it’s really fuelled by everyman appeal, which is why Coldplay’s Chris Martin is its 21st-century figurehead: a nice bloke-next-door, living the stadium-sized dream.
Eleven years and millions of sales have stacked up since Coldplay’s debut, Parachutes, and they’ve grown glossier and more assured with every instalment.
Self-professed concept album Mylo Xyloto reunites Martin’s men with producer-boffin Brian Eno and aims to exceed the epic drama of 2008’s Viva La Vida.
The themes are generic but the songs crafted; openly sensitive, such as single Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall, but crammed with conscious effects (the crowd-rousing chants of Paradise) and honed to deliver at packed-out venues.
Loyal Coldplay fans should consider Mylo Xyloto a singalong triumph; at the same time, the album barely tinkers with their formula and is certainly not concerned with changing opinions about the band.
Martin’s voice remains either plaintive or weedy, depending on taste, and while his duet with mighty r’n’b-bot Rihanna (Princess Of China) is a mainstream talking point, it’s not a new direction.
Coldplay have always laced their music with pop culture references, from Kraftwerk to Depeche Mode, and for this album Leonard Cohen’s lyrics also get a look-in, on closing number Up With The Birds.
It all makes for a big statement that never feels threatening, exclusive or seriously heart-racing.
Coldplay are still the megastars you could take home to your mother.
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