“When they asked me if I wanted to become the first contemporary artist to play in the Sistine Chapel, I didn’t know what to say because normally when I climb on stage there’s this other guy doing the singing,” Edge joked. ‘So I had to think before accepting, which I did, for at least 30 seconds.”
“Being Irish you learn very early that if you want to be asked to come back it’s very important to thank the local parish priest for the loan of the hall.”
He then thanked Pope Francis and Vatican officials for “allowing us to use the most beautiful parish hall in the world.”
Since 2007 Edge has been a board member of the Angiogenesis Foundation which works to ‘improve global health by advancing angiogenesis-based medicine, diet, and lifestyle.’ Angiogenesis is the process of the growth of new blood vessels.
“I can tell this is a really cool audience, because normally when I mention angiogenesis people’s eyes glaze over,” Edge said. “But you all understand what I am talking about.”
Introducing Ordinary Love, he paid special tribute to his father Garvin who passed away last week.
“I want to dedicate this next song to my father, who passed away last week.He was supposed to be with us here today. He is here in spirit, represented by three of his granddaughters, Hollie, Arran, and Blue and his daughter-in-law Morleigh. My father lived for 10 years after being diagnosed with colon cancer, they were great years, made possible through the miracle of medical science. For this and all the amazing doctors and nurses who ministered to him right up to the end including, Dr William Li, and Dr Stan Natin, my family and I give thanks.”
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