While making press rounds for his latest film score/soundtrack collaboration with Warren Ellis, Nick Cave has revealed a few updates for fans anticipating his next full-length set with the Bad Seeds. Although Cave’s been tight-lipped on the title or a number of specifics, the good news is their follow-up to 2008?s Dig, Lazarus, Dig!!! is in the can and bound for release next year: “I made a new Bad Seeds record,” he told BBC 6‘s Nemone last night. ”So I’m really excited about that. We haven’t done one for a while.” Later in the program, BBC Radio revealed that the expected arrival date for LP15 will be in February 2013.
“It was a real pleasure to get back to doing that,” Cave said, “to finding the time to take off a significant amount of time from other projects, which were always supposed to be, kind of, extra-curricular. And just to get back with the Bad Seeds in a room and make a record.” As for the result, which was reportedly completed in a Los Angeles studio earlier this year, Cave did offer up a few comments to pique interest:
I think what we did… I’m so pleased with this. It’s really different. I mean, it doesn’t sound like anything the Bad Seeds have done before. It’s really good. It’s really very, very beautiful. It’s not a ballad record. It’s not like classic Bad Seed ballads. But it’s very, very beautiful and it’s far away from Grinderman and that kind of thing.
When asked for the title, he refused, adding: “No, it’s making me all goose-pimply just even talking about it.”
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