I Radiohead hanno confermato la loro imprevedibilità e la loro genialità annunciando ieri, di punto in bianco, l’uscita del loro nuovo album “The King Of Limbs” (sabato 19), aprendo contemporaneamente le prenotazioni online per la versione MP3 e Wav e per quella “fisica” del nuovo disco. In poche ore, i fan di tutto il mondo hanno preso d’assalto il sito per le prenotazioni (si può pagare in sterline, euro e dollari), ma hanno provocato anche un sovraccarico di traffico. In particolare il direttore di Ateaseweb.com, sito dei fan dei Radiohead, ha raccontato che ieri il suo sito è andato in tilt per “decine di migliaia di contatti al minuto”. E’ accaduto ieri mattina, quando la notizia di “The King Of Limbs” ha iniziato a circolare e i fan a loro volta hanno cominciato a cercare freneticamente maggiori notizie sul nuovo album. Adrian Pels di Ateaseweb ha detto al New Musical Express che i suoi collaboratori hanno cercato di potenziare la capacità dei server, ma non hanno fatto in tempo e il sito è andato in crash. In seguito il sito è stato ripristinato. Per adesso, tutte le notizie sull’album sono quelle apparse ieri. Sulla homepage del sito radiohead.com campeggia da ieri mattina la scritta “thank you for waiting” che rimanda alla pagina per prenotare l’album.
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Radiohead’s manager Chris Hufford has described the release plan for the band’s new album ‘The King Of Limbs’ as a “logical progression”.
The record will be released as a paid-for download on Saturday (February 19), then on CD and 12-inch vinyl on March 28.
In 2007 the band released their ‘In Rainbows’ album as a pay-what-you-like download before it came out physically in 2008. As well as calling the new paid-for download a “logical progression”, Hufford said he was trying to look after the band’s interests by charging this time round.
“Our allegiances are to the band,” he said. “We manage Radiohead, we don’t manage retail or labels, we just manage the band and are just trying to do the best possible thing to allow another brilliant record to be embraced by the fanbase.”
Radiohead have confirmed that their new album ‘The King Of Limbs’ will be released physically next month.
Yesterday (February 14) the band announced that the album will be released as a download on Saturday (19). Now their spokesperson has confirmed to NME that it will be released on CD and 12-inch vinyl on March 28.
The album is also set to be released as what the band are calling a ‘newspaper album’ package on May 9. The set includes the album on CD and vinyl plus artwork sheets.
‘The King Of Limbs’ will be the band’s first album since 2007’s ‘In Rainbows’, which they released as a pay-what-you-like download. The new record, as was the case for ‘In Rainbows’, saw long-time collaborator Nigel Godrich on production duties.
The name of the new album relates to an oak tree in Wiltshire’s Savernake Forest, thought to be around 1,000 years old. The forest lies around three miles away from Tottenham House, a listed country house where Radiohead recorded part of ‘In Rainbows’.
The tree is a pollarded oak, referring to an ancient technique for harvesting timber for fencing and firewood. The phrase also appears in the 23rd chapter of the Qu’ran.
Radiohead fansite Ateaseweb.com crashed under the weight of hits yesterday morning as fans searched for information about the new album.
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