da pitchforkmedia
According to the film’s director, Thom Yorke really did write a new song for the soundtrack to the Twilight sequel New Moon.
New Moon director Chris Weitz confirmed the news in an interview with HitFix.comthat took place at Comic-Con. According to HitFix, Weitz will get his first listen to the track tomorrow. “Unless it’s sounds of him belching, I think I’ll put it in,” Weitz said. To be honest, there probably is a market out there for sounds of Thom Yorke belching.
Oh and guess who else wrote a new song for New Moon? Bon Iver! “He says he wrote it for the film, but who ever knows if it might just be something laying around in his cupboard,” said the director.
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3 users responded in this post
ma Thom….ha dei problemi??????????
salutissimi allo zingaro ,,,saluTami i miei che ti saluto i tuoi.
spero nessun problema………ciao dallo zingaro .salutassimo tutti quanti eh eh eh ciao Melooooooooooo ti aspetto in romagnaaaaaa ,gnam eh eh eh
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